Our Team

Brand New Distributor – London SE

For a few years now I had been following the Desert Diamonds Jewelry account oohing and ahhing each time I saw a piece of jewelry that caught my eye. I was busy running my travel agency and although I sometimes toyed with the idea of...



DESERT DIAMONDS JEWELRY ABOUT THE REFERRAL PROGRAM LEARN HOW YOU CAN START EARNING MONEY JUST FOR SHOWING OFF YOUR SPARKLES. Get 20% for every sale you refer.   Referring orders keeps overhead low. You don’t have to hold stock or purchase inventory to have on hand. This lower commitment...


Brand New Distributor – Cumbria – UK

Sue here based in beautiful Cumbria. Married with 3 children and two very crazy but lovable dogs. My background is in art and design. I enjoy meeting up with friends, more coffee than cocktail dates these days, love meeting new people, flirt with the gym and...

become a distributor with desert diamonds jewelry

Brand New Distributor – Rome – Italy

Hello everyone, my name is Cinzia and am from Rome, Italy. I am the latest member joining the Desert Diamond Jewelry team and first distributor in Rome. I met Sally and her fabulous products many years ago when I was living in Bangkok back in...
